
HACHIGA Method Seitai



Appointments Booked a Month in Advance!
The highly popular treatment from Japan is coming to London, UK.
If you're struggling with pain or discomfort that has been deemed "no abnormality" or "cause unknown" by hospitals, please reach out to us.

Chie Hachiga's Profile



- 女性専門の整体サロン、はちが式整体マンツーマン整体スクールの運営。
- 女性起業家向けビジネスコンサルティング。
- 2023年、2024年 マジックハンズアカデミー主催「HACHIGA式整体6Days」に登壇。
- 2024年7月 BABジャパン主催セミナーにて登壇予定。
- 2024年11月 セラピーワールドにて登壇予定。

- イギリスの日系企業やダンスイベントにてヘルスケアボランティアイベントを開催。
- 国際資格iTEC認定校「マジックハンズアカデミー」主催のオンライン講座にて講師を務める(日本帰国時は対面講座も担当)。
- 2024年8月よりLondon「Kiyora Beauty & Health」にて勤務スタート。

- 2024年 出版書籍のDVD化決定(8月発売予定)
- 2024年 出版書籍『ブライダルからヘルスケアまで 美健整体: 「力を出さずに結果を出す」施術の極意』Amazonランキング1位
- 2023年 Ms.World International in USA にて3冠達成
- 2023年 Ms.World International 日本代表
- 2022年 国際資格 英国ITEC解剖生理学 Distinction取得
- 1999年 中央大学法学部卒業


Founder of "Bridal Seitai". Author of "Biken Seitai", which reached No.1 on Amazon's ranking. Since 2022, she has been living between Japan and the UK.

Chie became fascinated with the magical techniques of SEITAI when she saw a patient leaving a local clinic with a bright and upright posture after treatment. This led her to study SEITAI. After graduating from school, she started a clinic at home, then joined a famous clinic to improve her skills, gaining experience while working and living there. Later, she became the director of the Shinjuku branch, and in January 2014, she independently opened "HACHIGA SEITAI Clinic" in Tokyo. She has treated over 50,000 patients! Currently, she is also dedicated to training future generations through SEITAI schools and seminars. Her school, which has been running for eight years, is a popular program that fills up immediately after recruitment.

▫️Activities in Japan▫️
- Operates a women-only SEITAI Clinic and a one-on-one SEITAI school.
- Provides business consulting for female entrepreneurs.
- Featured at the "HACHIGA-style SEITAI 6 Days" hosted by Magic Hands Academy in 2023 and 2024.
- Scheduled to speak at a seminar hosted by BAB Japan in July 2024.
- Scheduled to speak at the Therapy World event in November 2024.

▫️Activities in Europe▫️
- Since 2022 has held healthcare volunteer events at Japanese companies and dance events in the UK.
- Lecturer for online courses at the internationally accredited "Magic Hands Academy" (and for face-to-face courses when in Japan).
- Starting August 2024, will be working at Kiyora Beauty & Health in London.

▫️Awards and Recognitions▫️
- 2024: DVD release of her book (scheduled for August)
- 2024: Her book "Biken Seitai: Secrets of Non-Forceful, Effective Treatment from Bridal to Healthcare" reached No.1 on Amazon's ranking
- 2023: Achieved triple crown at Ms. World International in the USA
- 2023: Represented Japan at Ms. World International
- 2022: Achieved distinction in Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology for the Complementary Therapist from iTEC, UK
- 1999: Graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan

What is the HACHIGA Method Seitai?

▫️HACHIGA Method Seitaiとは?▫️






▫️What is the HACHIGA Method Seitai?▫️

The HACHIGA Method Seitai is an original therapy developed by Japanese therapist Chie Hachiga. This treatment approaches both bones and muscles, creating an image of a fusion between osteopathy and chiropractic techniques. It is a gentle, non-painful therapy aimed at addressing and improving the root causes of bodily discomfort.

▶︎Who is it recommended for?

This gentle therapy is performed while clothed, making it safe and comfortable for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

▶︎About Bridal Seitai

If you have an upcoming wedding or event and wish to achieve a smaller face or enhance your beauty by a specific date, the Bridal Seitai developed by Chie Hachiga is highly recommended. This treatment addresses aesthetic concerns such as balancing facial features, achieving beautiful clavicles and shoulder blades, improving posture, and fostering a natural smile.

Pricing and Menu

Coming soon !